Why one should not cut trees on Amavasya?

Amavasya is the no moon day (some call it as new moon) in a traditional Hindu lunar calendar. There is a belief among many Hindu communities that trees should not be cut on Amavasya day – especially if the wood is meant for any type of construction or for carving Murti (deity to be worshipped in Temple) or for sculptures.

The popular belief is that on the Amavasya day, the moon resides in water and on trees on earth. Therefore cutting trees on the day is a great mistake – one has to take many births to overcome the effects of this mistake.

Elders say that furniture and other items made from those trees that are cut on Amavasi are known to be more infested with microbes. Over a period of time such furniture is bound to have more attack from pests. They also crumble easily.

The strength of the wood cut on Amavasya deteriorates fast.


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