Shiva and Shakti- Their Real identity
Siva and Durga-Their real identity - By Stephen knapp
Brahma Vishnu maheswara, three representations of the super soul (God)\ Why there are three gods? there are no three gods, these are the three qualities of God. Brahma-creation, Vishnu-Maintains the creation and Siva- Destruction. Siva is accompanied by the goddess Parvati (Shakti), why god needs a partner? They are not Man and Women. Siva is the omnipresent, pure consciousness that is the cause of the whole creation and shakti his nature and power (cosmic energy), with shakti he creates, destruct s and this energy is the base of all things, all actions in the universe. Is shakti a separable part of siva? It is like asking whether Heat is separable from Fire! Shakti is inseparable from Siva, they are one. This is the great idea behind Ardhanareswara concept in sanadhana dharma. Like Siva and Shakti, every human being is a small spec of the cosmic consciousness, it has the ability to create, maintain, and destruct. But this capability depends on its conscious expansion and energy he owns. This small spec of consciousness comes to earth plane to obtain more energy which in turn expands consciousness and finally expands to the universal consciousness, this is the very purpose of life and this is what we call spiritual development. The whole life process is designed to aid this conscious expansion. But through the natural way it may take a long time. By practicing meditation and other spiritual kriyas, speed of this process can be increased.
Ebook Shiva and Durga- Their Real Identity
Siva and Durga-Their real identity - By Stephen knapp
Brahma Vishnu maheswara, three representations of the super soul (God)\ Why there are three gods? there are no three gods, these are the three qualities of God. Brahma-creation, Vishnu-Maintains the creation and Siva- Destruction. Siva is accompanied by the goddess Parvati (Shakti), why god needs a partner? They are not Man and Women. Siva is the omnipresent, pure consciousness that is the cause of the whole creation and shakti his nature and power (cosmic energy), with shakti he creates, destruct s and this energy is the base of all things, all actions in the universe. Is shakti a separable part of siva? It is like asking whether Heat is separable from Fire! Shakti is inseparable from Siva, they are one. This is the great idea behind Ardhanareswara concept in sanadhana dharma. Like Siva and Shakti, every human being is a small spec of the cosmic consciousness, it has the ability to create, maintain, and destruct. But this capability depends on its conscious expansion and energy he owns. This small spec of consciousness comes to earth plane to obtain more energy which in turn expands consciousness and finally expands to the universal consciousness, this is the very purpose of life and this is what we call spiritual development. The whole life process is designed to aid this conscious expansion. But through the natural way it may take a long time. By practicing meditation and other spiritual kriyas, speed of this process can be increased.
Ebook Shiva and Durga- Their Real Identity
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