The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in English and Malayalam
The YogaSutras is divided into four Sections, totally 196 aphorisms. The first chapter is about Sadhanas (Yoga practices). He starts the first chapter by saying that yoga is nothing but chittavritti nirodhana” conscious non operation of vibrations of mind, it is the basis of all yoga practices. Patanjali says then only yoga student is situated in his own state, which is nothing but the ‘atma’ (soul). Patanjali says to attain a higher yoga state, one should have a non interest mind (freedom from desires), and this state can be achieved through continuous and sustained practice.
In the next chapter Sadhana Pada (Practice stage), it is said that by continuous practice of this Kriya Yoga, one can achieve the effortless higher concentration. This higher concentration helps a bigger reduction in mental and emotional afflictions. The problems and distress caused in the material world is because of spiritual ignorance, this can be eliminated with discriminative insight. Chapter three is Vibhuti Padam (Glory of sadhana displayed), When such mental-emotional afflictions are eliminated one develops illumination insight. Through this development of insight a yogi attains knowledge in every aspect, knowledge about hi past lives, about the languages spoke by every being, knowledge about past and future and other knowledge’s in the universe. When a total purification is done between the intelligence nature of materialistic world and soul, the yogi gets the total separation from the mundane psychology. Next chapter is Kaivalya Pada (Salvation), it’s about the final stage of yogasutra. all the energies in the physical or energy worlds are empowered by the Soul or spirit (atma), a yogis spirit finally establishes in its own form
Read ebook by Madwacharya in English
Read Patanjala YogaSutram with meaning (malayalam)
The YogaSutras is divided into four Sections, totally 196 aphorisms. The first chapter is about Sadhanas (Yoga practices). He starts the first chapter by saying that yoga is nothing but chittavritti nirodhana” conscious non operation of vibrations of mind, it is the basis of all yoga practices. Patanjali says then only yoga student is situated in his own state, which is nothing but the ‘atma’ (soul). Patanjali says to attain a higher yoga state, one should have a non interest mind (freedom from desires), and this state can be achieved through continuous and sustained practice.
In the next chapter Sadhana Pada (Practice stage), it is said that by continuous practice of this Kriya Yoga, one can achieve the effortless higher concentration. This higher concentration helps a bigger reduction in mental and emotional afflictions. The problems and distress caused in the material world is because of spiritual ignorance, this can be eliminated with discriminative insight. Chapter three is Vibhuti Padam (Glory of sadhana displayed), When such mental-emotional afflictions are eliminated one develops illumination insight. Through this development of insight a yogi attains knowledge in every aspect, knowledge about hi past lives, about the languages spoke by every being, knowledge about past and future and other knowledge’s in the universe. When a total purification is done between the intelligence nature of materialistic world and soul, the yogi gets the total separation from the mundane psychology. Next chapter is Kaivalya Pada (Salvation), it’s about the final stage of yogasutra. all the energies in the physical or energy worlds are empowered by the Soul or spirit (atma), a yogis spirit finally establishes in its own form
Read ebook by Madwacharya in English
Read Patanjala YogaSutram with meaning (malayalam)
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